Amig: Records Management SoftwareARIANE - Hospitals

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Bank RM
ARIANE - Banks
Medical RM
ARIANE - Hospitals

System range :

Ariane lets you apply a complete Medical record strategy.
Ariane provides continous management of medical records, queries, loans, re-integration .
Ariane is integrated with office automation packages.

Main functions :

Ariane's main functions are :
Authority lists and administrator menu,
Medical record information management,
Medical record loan management,
Medical record re-integration management,
Medical record movement tracking,
Reports and statistics.

An example : visual storage area management

The user can display geographical locations at any time within the entire site, regardless of which screen is currently displayed.
The foreground shows a vertical view of a site's archive rooms.
This displays the storage bay numbers and rows that make up the storage area. Some rows are light gray in color and others are dark gray. This color shading shows that at least one box is positioned in this row.

description of a box

With this " virtual navigation ", Ariane provides immediate and complete visual management of warehouses: you can always see the exact status of warehouses without leaving your desk.



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Amig: Records Management Software
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